As for the library, as a professional

The book can be a beautiful focal point on the premises are correct. This article describes the arrangements for the library as a professional.

Difficulty: Easy
Step 1
Bookshelf is a major - and, you guessed it - the book. I believe that at least 75% of the points in the bookstore for books. His book will feel like a library, if you have 100% of the books that may or may not be an aspect which later. Show only books in hardcover. For more charm, remove the paper from his book jackets (if they are collectors' items).
Step 2
Remember that the library is not only beautiful, it should work. Organizing books, by type, subject or author, not the color, but it may also help.
Step 3
If you have a library with several books, buy books in large quantities, in addition to their organization. Your local library often sell more copies of the book, you can buy books at your local bookstore or on the spread. Make sure that the paper jackets to see the color of the spine. Books that have been read many times that the charm of the room. In general, if you want to store the books of the dark, a light color. If the book that you want to darken the color.
Step 4
Add Bookends value, not less. You can also use a small stack of books instead of inflammation final Bookends.
Step 5
Leave a small room, perhaps 10%. Libraries can not be fully space for new books.

As a "green" Your Life

Despite the disagreement over the validity of global warming in the world is constantly increasing, which obviously requires more and more energy. Despite the good intentions of people can not change the situation where all of their small part to some personal changes, the consequences will be dramatic.

Difficulty: Moderately easy
Step 1
When the time comes to replace the bulbs, purchase only energy-saving lamps. Look for sales and coupons, which are slightly more expensive.
Step 2
Turn off the light, is not used. Empty room, you do not need light burning for several hours.
Step 3
Turn off all electrical appliances, mobile phone costs, and any other module production, which is not used.
Step 4
Set the thermostat a few degrees lower in winter and summer to save energy and heating and cooling bills.
Step 5
Buy only green cleaning products. The price of green cleaning products has improved in recent years and is now a much wider choice available.
Step 6
Set Over time around windows and doors throughout the world, you can create a project. Sealing cracks may reduce energy consumption.
Parents can, and a list of vehicles to transport children, and a swimming pool and other activities.
Recycling, reuse, recycle - paper, bottles, cans, and everything else that has been recycling society to reduce congestion in the dumps.
Using the whole family of plastic bottles and plastic bags. Buy or on one side of the canvas bags for shopping, which can be easily washed. Buy a system of filtering water, instead of buying bottles and bottles of water.
Plant trees in every spring, make it a family business, the contribution to the environment.
Stock changes in the family has been done with others. Not only save the changes to the budget, but the children will respect the environment.

Outfit a Guest Room

You can structure large bedrooms Guesthouse after the first-class hotels. Here is a list of ideas.

Instructions Difficulty: Easy
What you need:
* Alarm
* TV
* Linen
* Blankets
* Table lamps
* Pillow
* Points
* Jug
* Latest reviews
* Television Lists
* Flashlights
* Flashlights
* Blankets

Step 1
Make bed sheets with attractive.
Step 2
Spare pillows and fire if the guests will enjoy reading in bed. Remember that people often have difficulty falling asleep in less than a friendly atmosphere.
Step 3
Enter a TV program and timetable.
Step 4
Reading materials, with their customers. Examples include the latest news or fashion magazines (and not two years, magazines) or a new package that is spared when it is connected to a guest and asked him to put it.
Step 5
The prohibition of importation of animals from the floor.
Step 6
Make sure the room is quiet - Oil squeaky hinges, remove or disable or chiming clock tikali, fixing drippy faucet in the bathroom next, and so on.
Set an alarm. Make sure that the signal did not come too soon for their guests.
Open box, which is designed for its guests.
Leave a space and the empty hangers in the closet.
Some places in your closet to store guest luggage or luggage at the foot of the bed.
Enter a flashlight on the bedside table so that guests can move to the bathroom in the dark. Stou few extra batteries for its proximity to customers and say where they are.
The offer is valid for most slippers and bathrobe.
Make a pitcher of water and glass on the bedside table (with cupholders).
Do you want a special guest. This can be lotion dispenser in a bed, a table, a bowl with sugar Mintz, electric blanket, etc.

Home equity loans - Home equity cash

What are the short-term loans, Home Equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOC)?

Home equity loans are typically junior loans and should not be confused with the base to refinance, which means repayment of existing mortgage and replace it with another loan. Refinances can take 30 days or more to process. Home loan fund shares rather quickly and are subject to the existing first mortgage. In other words, equity loan falls to second place.

Lender security on your home loan, which means if you are going to default and not make mortgage payments or otherwise comply with the terms of the loan, the lender is entitled to recover. In many states, like California, if a homeowner stops paying the first lender to protect their safety, the second position of the lender can step in, represent the first payments to the lender, and begin its own foreclosure proceedings. All this means that your home is threatened, when you take out home equity loans.

Bridge Loans
Bridge loans are used by sellers who want to buy a new house before selling the existing homes, but needed cash from existing homes. You will see the bridge loans are used most often in the market than a buyer in the market. General conditions for overcoming the loan are:

* Loan amounts up to 80% of market value
* Higher borrowing costs, such as centers or administrator Boards
* No payments for a period of 3 to 4 months
* The right to revise the terms of the loan if the house does not sell on credit term
* Some lenders require borrowers to obtain financing for their new house with the lender to make a bridge loan

Home equity loans

Borrowers can obtain loans of justice in all 50 states. Equity loans can be used for the purchase price of new houses, but the lender will not loan, if your house is on the market. This is the main reason many sellers receive loans, instead of bridges. But because the costs above, with a bridge loan, it makes more sense to get a loan of shares, if you can plan far enough ahead.

Borrowers also get a home equity loan to pay for home improvements / remodeling, higher education or medical expenses. Since the interest tax on home equity loan, many homeowners have decided to borrow against homes for the purchase of consumer goods. They reason that if they finance consumer goods by obtaining an unsecured loan or a deposit for purchase by credit card, they can not deduct the interest, but they often do not stop to consider the question of whether the item is really necessary. This is not a good idea to take from your house to buy luxury items such as motor homes, boats or ski vacations, but they do it. Benefits for home equity loan are:

* As a rule, the fixed interest rate
* Use 100% of the shares or more
* Amortized Payment
* For loan terms such as 3, 5, 7, 10 or 15 years.

Home equity line of credit (HELOC)

Borrowers can take advantage of home equity line of credit and does not return a penny. This is because the HELOC is a line of credit, ie if you never make any money, you never have to pay it back. It is available to check more than you have in your account, or to make a conclusion on a specific account in your lending institution.

Some of the features inherent to the HELOC are:
* As a rule, controlled currency loan
* Once the money has been returned, you can take it again
* Flexible payment terms, and sometimes even 1% of the outstanding loan

Note: At the time to ask for HELOC, when it is not required. This credit, which will be available for you if you ever need to draw on it, as you subsequently unemployed or facing immediate financial emergencies.

Small Garden Design for Front Yards

Front Yard / Entryway Gardens
If there is one place that small space gardening should be more widely practiced, it is in front yards. We have surrendered the front of our homes to foundation plantings of overly pruned evergreens and uninspiring dots of geraniums. It is intimidating to experiment in full view of every passer-by, but the pay off is great and I think you’ll find most people, neighbors included, will be delighted.

Front yards actually lend themselves to gardens. We just don’t see it any longer. Driveways, walkways, sidewalks and entrances all cry out for some type of soft framing. And even city dweller should have at least a front stoop to fill with flowers.

If you have room for more than a container in your front yard, add some curb appeal and interest to your home.

Entry Ways

The obvious choice for entry ways is matching pots on either side, containing anything from topiary evergreens to cottage annuals. These are obvious, but still great choices.

If you have an awning or cover over your entry way and a square of soil, you have the perfect situation for a flowering vine. Think of roses, clematis, morning glories and trumpet vine.

If you have lawn surrounding your walkway, you have a place to put a flower border. If your walkway curves, rim it with casual flowing plants like geraniums, lady’s mantle, Dianthus, catmint and valerian.

If you have a straight path to your door you have at least two options. You can go with the formality of straight lines and create a border of low growing shrubbery, like box or germander. You could soften the formality with plants like lavender, sedum, yarrow or even roses.

Or you could change the look entirely by creating a curved border along the straight pathway and filling it with anything you like. Soft cottage pastels or hot, spiky plants like Celosia and zinnias. Either way, it’s more intriguing than a straight concrete pathway.


The area along side driveways is often wasted space. Wouldn’t you rather pull into a garden oasis than a landing strip to your garage? Driveways can be edged, like pathways, or taken to extremes. Who needs to mow that little section between your driveway and your neighbors yard? This may offer just enough space for you to play with dwarf evergreens or large imposing plants like Cimicifuga, Eupatorium or canna. Create a sitting area with a gravel path. You may never sit in your front yard, but it will beckon you home just the same.


If you’re lucky enough to have a sideway, you may either have that strip of lawn between the sidewalk and the road or perhaps a small square area where the city planted a tree. Either one of these is an opportunity to garden.

No one wants to mow that detached stip of grass. And you can make it that much more enjoyable to walk along with a casual border of plants that can withstand a little foot traffic and road salt. Be prepared for some vandalism, intentional and accidental. But eventually people learn to appreciate your efforts.

That solitary tree planted out front can be spruced up with some hardy ground covers or Hosta, primrose or ferns, depending on the soil and exposure. Think of it as a place to play and experiment.

Take a drive around town and see if you can find a house that stands out because of its front yard plantings. You’ll have even better luck finding some interesting front yard landscapes when you travel to Europe. Now take an honest look at your home the next time you pull into your driveway. Can you see the opportunities?

Landscaping driveways

Introduction to Construction

Landscaping access can be as hardscape and softscape. Hardscape options consist mainly of walls and fences, while your options for greening softscape access include the following:
* Flower
* Ground covers
* Ornamental trees
* Shrubs

Opportunities for greening drive significantly enhanced if you plan on including the wall. Walls (eg stone walls) may be either parallel runway along its entire length, or do it at right angles, at the entrance. The latter option, in particular, offers a number of opportunities for greening driveways. For example, some people attach to travel gate in the wall, while others cover a hole in the wall with an arch.

At the same time, differences on the greening of softscape access roads, is virtually limitless. Again, it often boils down to whether the purpose of your driveway landscaping is to create a grand entrance or driveway to run the length of road (of course, some people choose both). Accenting entry, of course, can be cheaper, which is important if your budget is low, and your driveway great!

If the budget is not a primary consideration in narrowing your choice for planting driveway, then you need to think about it you want the viewer to look to be learned, and what features of your property you want to emphasize. This rationale is equally applicable to the hardscape and softscape.

Planting colorful annual beds on the sides of your driveway, for example, to look at the viewer in your property, through to the final destination of your driveway. Where this appointment is a fairly conventional outlook garage, which is a simple view from the street, you may not wish to draw attention to it. Similarly, if you find your property is already dominated by straight lines (straight walls, straight road, direct nastilov, etc.), you may not wish to emphasize the straightness of road access to the landing of his land directly from the flower beds .

In contrast, if you travel around the curves of the coordinator and gracefully disappears into the rear of the house, then flower paralleling access will attract the audience believe that at any convenient water feature. Examples of such focal points are as follows:
* Water gardens
* Landscape Bridges
* Garden arbours
* Wishing Wells

From the aesthetic positions, there is little reason not to draw the viewer into a look at the driveway entrance, or hardscape, softscape or both. However, practical considerations may force you to use softscape how you want, ideally. Theft and vandalism, two liabilities for landscaping driveways at the entrance, near the street. Depending on your area, children going to May traipse carelessly across the road flower, in which you have a lot of pride, built a bed with your work and your dollars. Worse still, shrubs planted too close to the roadside, as it is known to disappear overnight, gaping hole left in their absence.

In the north, the challenge presented by severe winters also called attention to the landscaping of access roads at the entrance to the property. Not all shrubs and perennial flowers stand well threat of road salt. Shrubs may also be damaged by a plow driver who had just a little traveling or left or right at the entrance to your driveway. Consequently, planting access to plants that accent the entrance is best left to the annual color. Annual are inexpensive, and this provides some comfort, they should be damaged or stolen, and they must be replanted each spring, at least, so that winter damage is not a problem.

Why worry Landscaping driveways?
Log into your driveway to the entrance to your yard, as a whole. How do your driveway entrance area, especially when the property is bordered by a fence or wall (thus the attention from the entrance) sets the tone for the audience perception of the entire court.

In addition, in square feet (relative to the rest of the yard) and visual attention, driveway can be an important component of the yard. In accordance with the right circumstances (see above), it's a good reason for the greening of road along its entire length. Moving up the opportunity to do so relegates driveway to the status of a long scar works up and down your yard, you're just trying to scar forget.

Landscaping access to care and creativity is the cornerstone of a successful curb appeal.

Remodel bathroom

Bathroom repairs or fills your thoughts pure, brilliant white surface, or half of the collected disaster. Perhaps, as images of reality.

Let us follow in the footsteps of a bathroom remodeling project.

1. How far do you want to go?
* Surface modification. At the easy end of the scale, you can general location and size of the bathroom and the support structure for the bathroom (joists, walls, etc.) audio. Mantra on the surface of the bathroom remodeler is a "cover, but not replace." There is no shame at all want to make the surface of the bathroom remodel.

* Changing the layout. More complex: structural elements, is still fine, and you want to modify the surface, but at the same time want to change around.

* Full Tear-Out/Remodel. Now we're at the end of a difficult scale. You want to do all of the above, but 50 years of accumulated moisture has rotted from the joists and wall studs, window and falling.

At the moment, is also considering the overall timetable for the renovation of the bathroom and decide if this is what you think you want to go.

2. Finance Your Bathroom Remodel
Bathroom renovations are expensive. Repairs bathrooms, typically ranging from $ 15,000 to $ 18,000 for a basic, functional model.

Even the smallest bathrooms, the cost comes from the intense amount of subcontracting, you might have to do (such as plumbers, electricians) and high-value items (fixtures, cabinetry, etc.). Of the many methods of financing your bathroom renovations, perhaps the most common method of home equity loan. While looking for funding, may also want to think about that, to save on your bathroom remodeling costs.

3. Bathroom remodel yourself or hire contractors?
At this stage, you need to speak good hard look at the draft and decide if you want to do it yourself or hire a PRO. Say, if you're interested, and performing only superficial changes, you should be able to restructure the bathroom itself. Not all tasks are created equal. Installing a new toilet is simple, the construction of a new tile shower should be left to the pros. Rate, which projects to do yourself and what to leave to professionals.

* The contractor is licensed. If you intend to hire a contractor, one of the first things you want to do is make sure that the contractor is properly licensed. Licensing is not a sign of quality build, however. It simply means that they have fulfilled the basic minimum requirements of the licensing agency.

* Permits. Electrical engineering, construction and other permits may be required. Application for permission for an early stage.

4. Changing the layout of your bathroom
If you're remodeling a bedroom and you want to change the format, it is not so bad. You move a box here, push the back wall there. But with the bathrooms, you not only with visible elements, you are dealing with the underlying structure of Plumbing and electrical systems. Layout changes such as switching the toilet and shower, inflated the cost of repairs to the bathroom in a big hurry to consider this carefully.

5. New walls of bathrooms, joists and other structural elements
With the bathroom to collect moisture, has a good chance you can replace dry. In the case of the bathrooms, you can with the help of special humidity dry resistent is commonly called "green board" as well as in areas that are very wet, like a shower and bath you use waterproof backer board. I hope you do not need anything in return for the wallboard. But if you - that is, if the wall studs and joists are bad - they may need to be sistered or completely replaced.

6. Shower and Tub Repair, Refinishing or replacement
Shower, bath or shower / bath tub combination of heart. For many people this may be good reason for a bathroom remodel.

If the worst thing a few cracks, you can self-repair your acrylic or fiberglass shower / bath for very little money. For many homeowners, however, the surface can be color and the color, so the bath refinishing will be in order.

There are problems that go beyond repair and refinishing? You can set the bathtub liner - sort of like "overcoat" on your icky bathroom. If these methods prove ineffective, then you need to go and build a tiled shower. Or with a little less fuss, you can install the prefabricated acrylic or fiberglass shower / bath. Pre-FAB shower and tub should not be at the building site, because they were fabricated at the plant - but make sure you do not buy a unit too large to fit through doorways.

7. Bathroom Floors
Moisture is the culprit in the bathrooms, so you can not just choose any kind of flooring. Carefully weigh all your options for flooring for the bathroom. Permanent favorite is ceramic tile, laminate floor, but also to make constructive Flooring trick. Whatever you do, not hardwood, because it does not tolerate moisture well.

Payment Business School at the House of equity loan

Payment of business school can be costly, especially if most of your classes will not be covered by scholarships or grants. If you are looking for a way to pay for business training, you can consider home equity loan.

Why home equity loans
Business school is expensive, and a student loan can help, but no matter how much you borrow, the student loan interest will be added. By the time you get your degree, you will pay back much more than you originally borrowed.

Home equity loans great source of credit because these loans often come with very low interest rates. And when you are home equity loan, you can usually borrow up to 100% (or more) of the house value. For example, if your home is worth $ 90000, and you are obliged to only $ 50000, you have $ 40,000 in home equity play. That could pay for a large part of your business education.

Choosing Home equity lender
Credit market is extremely competitive right now, especially among online lenders. Currently, they offer low interest rates, which were seen in those years. Do not be afraid to shop around. This is very important for you to find a home equity loan lender that best suits your needs education.

When comparing home equity loan lender online, there are some things that need to be considered, such as interest rates, closing costs, credit cards and credit terms and conditions. Once you've chosen the online lender, be sure to review your home equity loan contract carefully before signing it. Do not be afraid to ask questions if the contract contains the information that you do not understand.

Final Note to pay for the business school at the House of equity loan
The fee for its business school is an excellent basis for home equity loan. However, before the case, you must be sure that you can make your loan payments. If you default on a loan, the bank can return home.

How to create a plan for debt payment

Once you decide that you want to get out of debt need to create a plan for payment of arrears. It is important to understand that through the use of your money in the debt at once, you will greatly speed up the process of debt. If you work hard you'll be surprised how quickly you can pay your debt
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 60 minutes
Here's how:
1. First, you need to make a list of all debts that you have. Your list should include the minimum payment amount, interest rate and how much you owe.
2. Secondly, you need to rank your debt in the order you want to pay for them. Some experts recommend that comes from small to large, as it provides a momentum going. Others recommend a list of debts from the highest to the lowest interest rates since it will save you the most money.
3. Third, you will need to decide how much money you have in a month to pay its debts. You may have to cut spending in other areas, so that you have the money to put your plan to repay debt. You can also decide to take on part-time work or to receive payment for overtime hours. Additionally, you can use all the means that you get from gifts, benefits or tax returns for your debt.
4. Fourth, to pay any additional money to the debt on your list, with a minimum on all other charges. After you have paid her to leave to move to the next debt on your list, with an additional plus the current minimum payment. Keep doing this until you have passed all the items on your list.
5. Fifth, put most of the additional money you now have in savings. Soon your money start working for you. Make sure that you cut and cancel your credit card as you are finished. Thus, you should never do that again.

What you need:
* The most recent statements from your credit card and other loans.
* Calculator.
* Your budget.
* Paper and pencil.

Purchasing home, or wait for the stabilization of the market?

In fact, this is a very good time to buy a house. This is not a great time to sell the house. If you can wait, it would be prudent to wait until the price of homes in your area, from the leveled. You do not want your home value is rapidly declining due to the negative effects on the economy.

It is also important to consider how long you will stay in the house that you intend to buy. If the market continues to decline, and you will eventually transfer and sale of the year, you might be wiser to wait a little longer. You could eventually sell your home less than what you paid for it. This will allow to leave more money to continue to pay for.

However, if you plan on being in the house for several years, you will have time to wait for the housing market begin to increase in value once again. This means that the risk of you buying your home a lot less than if you were moving very quickly.

To determine if the soft market in your area, you should pay attention to several factors. You have to look at the average time a house on the market. You should also compare the current prices are the prices that these homes were sold a year ago. Ask a few real estate agents their views on the current housing market as well. In a soft market price of housing will be dropped, as well as the sale, so that the house will be on the market much longer period of time.

Buying a home in Down Market

If you wait to buy in the market Down fall in housing prices?

Everyone wants to know what the best time in the market when buying a home. It is just natural. Especially if you're thinking about buying a down market, where home prices are falling. I wonder how low they will go and if you wait, right?

Some buyers should immediately Home Purchase
You are probably thinking: "Of course, she wanted to say that. It Realtor, and agents always say:" Right now the best time to buy. "Well, here is why:

* If you are a seller, who wants to move to a more expensive home down the market, now may be a better time. The longer you wait to sell, the lower the price of your home can be affected.
* If you can arrange alternative accommodation, smart strategy to sell now, just wait a few months and then buy a new home.
* If you sell and buy at the same time, you're still ahead, because the game is reducing the price of the purchase exceeds the loss from the sale.

Consider the "loss" from the sale of your current Home
For example, say your present house is worth $ 300,000, but due to high inventory and few buyers, it is necessary to reduce the prices by 10%. Thus, instead of receiving $ 300,000, you will receive $ 270,000 and "lose" $ 30000.

Consider Your Real Profit
Now consider this. Say you bought this house 10 years ago and paid $ 100,000. If you're still ahead $ 170,000, less the cost of sales, is not it? (This does not take into account the monthly payments, but you have those, if you were renting, too.)

Consider the "savings" for the purchase of new housing
If you plan to go up to $ 500,000 house, which is located in the same distressed market, you probably could buy the house at the same discount of 10% or $ 450,000. This will mean that you have saved $ 50,000.

Overview of sales and purchase numbers
1. So you "lost" $ 30,000 to sell your home
2. But you "made" $ 50,000 for the purchase of your new home
3. Are not you $ 20,000 ahead?

Do not forget your Impact of interest rates
How do interest rates go? Are they move up or move down? If interest rates are near all time low and beginning to inch upwards, waiting could cost more than you think. You may not be able to afford to buy a house at any price.
# FACT: Each 1 / 2 point increase in your interest rate gives a less than $ 25,000 in purchasing power.
# FACT: Each 1 point increase in your interest rate gives a less than $ 50,000 in purchasing power.
# FACT: Each 2 point increase in your interest rate gives a less than $ 100,000 in purchasing power.

Look at the difference between the purchase price as compared to interest rates

If you put 20% and get 80% loan, so your principal and interest payments on the purchase price as follows:

* $ 425,000 sales price, to 8.25% per annum, the payment is $ 2554.
* $ 450,000 sales price, to 7.75% per annum, the payment is $ 2579.
* $ 475,000 sales price, to 7.25% per annum, the payment is $ 2592.
* $ 500,000 sales price, to 6.75% per annum, the payment is $ 2594.
* $ 525,000 sales price, to 6.25% per annum, the payment is $ 2586.

The payments are virtually identical. However, the home you can afford to buy a 8.25% is $ 100,000 less than the house can afford to buy at 6.25%. If you expect prices to decline further, perceived value may be lost as a result of higher rates.

A good strategy is to weigh the pros and cons of real estate property before making a decision to buy or sell. Do not panic over newspaper headlines. Make an informed decision. Run your own room.

Tips for buying homeowner insurance

Shopping for homeowner insurance is one of those nagging details of home buying, sometimes manage to slip though cracks. It is not uncommon for insurance agents to get last-minute frantic phone calls from the title and / or escrow company to request home insurance binder. To save yourself the problem, it's a good idea to start the purchase of housing policy as soon as your purchase proposal will be accepted. Here are some tips on buying home insurance, which is designed to save you time and money:

Define insurance
Your insurance agent needs a great deal of information from you to quote you the best rate for your policy. To determine whether the insurance agent will ask:

* When the house was built?
* How many years of plumbing and electrical?
* What is the roof?
* What is the square?
* How many lawsuits have been filed over the past 5 years?
* Where is the house located?

If the house is located in rural areas without a nearby fire department or fire hydrant on the street, some companies may refuse to insure it. In this case, you can ask for in a specialty or surplus lines companies, and this quotation will take longer to obtain.

You can save money with a higher deductible policy. Typically, insurance companies will provide discounts of $ 500 deductible and an increase in rebates as a franchise increases. Most companies offer a deductible up to $ 10000. Be careful, however, that many mortgage companies will not let you exceed the $ 1000 deductible, so check with your lender before choosing higher deductible.

How much insurance do you need?
Most agents use the cost estimator is the replacement cost estimates. This ensures that your home is insured for the correct amount. Insurance companies do not insure dirt. If you buy a house, which includes the major parties would not be surprised when you get an insurance policy for much less than what you paid for the house. This is because you are buying coverage for the home, rather than land.

In the past, a replacement cover was called Guaranteed replacement cost. There is no such coverage more. Today it is the replacement of the cost, which means each insurance company determines the percentage of additional lighting on the top of the sum insured. It is designed to protect homeowners who suffered losses because of the need to pay additional costs for the construction of the restoration. It may cost more to build due to inflation, or simply because material prices have increased. For example, if the residential coverage insured for $ 300,000, and the company has 125% replacement of the cost, a homeowner will receive an additional $ 75000.

I recommend 200% replacement cost coverage, which gives homeowners double coverage.

Policy options

Do you have other options in your home insurance policy, which can be adapted. Liability coverage is part of your homeowner insurance policy, which is often overlooked. This protects the insured against claims arising from bodily injury and property damage to others. For example, if five years of playing with matches and set your neighbor on the house fire, your liability coverage will pay for the damage. You may have to withdraw from the neighborhood, but your insurance will pay for your neighbor.

This is common to see $ 300,000 to cover the liability, but should raise it to $ 500,000 is about $ 20 more than a year. You can have up to one million lights on most policies. Moreover, you have excess liability policy or umbrella policy. Umbrella policies give you the additional $ 1000000 liability for $ 300 to $ 500 prize.

Available Discounts

Make sure that you get all those credits for which you are eligible. If you have an alarm system that reports to the central station (companies such as Brinks or ADT), in some cases, you can receive up to 10% discount. If you are over 50 and care to recognize it, you may be eligible for a discount. Companies have different names for the politics of age, the senior discount to mature policyholder discount.

The most common multi-policy discount offers. This will save money on your home and auto insurance. By combining the two policies in the same company, you get a certain percentage discount on both. The percentage of discount depends on the company, so it's best buy around.

Review your policy

Call your agent and review your homeowner policy, at least once every three years. Needs change, market changes and meet the changes. You must stay current on insurance, because you never know when you will need to rely on it.

Linen Closet Makeover

Making Most Linen Closet space left on your hard drive

Linen cupboard is not the most interesting places in the house. In fact, it probably ranks somewhere below a laundry!

But a little thought and planning, you can make the most of your clothes you already have. And who says you can not even make it a beautiful place which adds to the enjoyment of your family? I think more and more people understand that a well-organized, attractive cabinets - even if they are not in the first place you take your guests! - You can add to the quality and tranquility in your daily life.

I recently visited my sister Leslie and her family near Boston. She lives in Cape Code syle house, similar to what we might call the bungalow on the west coast. Like many older Capes, her big house on the charm, but little cupboard space.

Leslie recently inherited some lovely family paintings - more than likely, it needs and wants, but she believes her student-age children can enjoy some of them for several years. Thus, she added them to its already crowded, narrow, floor-to-ceiling linen closet - measuring only 19 inches wide and 19 inches deep.

It did not work. All were crammed into five shelves. Nevertheless, she does not want canvases scattered in different places around the house. This started her thinking about the way can be more efficient use of cabinet space.

* Start with a plan
My sister, as a rule, approach in his home range is very scientific. (She said you have to - if you have four active members of the exchange of small-ish family home!) So, she made a list of everything she would like to store in a small closet: 4 tablecloths, 96 placemats, napkins 170, 6 bath towels, sheets, pillowcases, and so on. Yes, and I did not mention it also maintains its investment in a vacuum and the linen closet?

I was not sure could be anything - until I saw the results. Not only does not fit all, but it's easy to take the items and put them back. Here's how she did it by using a little professional help to get started, and finishing his own.

* Movable Shelves
First, she hired her favorite carpenter, Danny, a couple of hours to remove the five stationary shelves and space for nine of them are movable. It is estimated that this step is itself almost twice as valuable space.

Danny a sheet of plywood on each side of a wardrobe interior, a stucco wall. Before the wonderful plywood to the wall, he uses a router to the floor-to-ceiling vertical channels in each piece of plywood. In these narrow channels, he nailed metal strips to support new mobile shelves.

* Shelves of different depth
Leslie wants to increase the number of shelves, but there were restrictions on the top and underwear from the cabinet.

O Top
Despite the fact that the word cabinet to the ceiling, doors not. Wardrobe some feet above the opening of doors. In order to have a shelf above the door opening, she wanted a room at the front of the top shelf for access. So Danny do it top shelf about half the depth of the regular shelves.

On the bottom
As I mentioned, Leslie keeps her vacuum, standing on the floor linen closet. Rather than losing the vacuum area for storing clothes, it was Danny also make a few lower shelves - for vacuum cleaner - about half the depth of the regular shelves.

* Maintain and Label
Once the new shelves were in place, my sister wants to make sure that it was easy to take things from the cupboard and put them away when it is done using them.

Instead, the high stacks of napkins, for example, that might be inconvenient if you want to bottom; Leslie put each set of towels in a thin box and labeled it. It is to buy inexpensive white cardboard boxes on the container Store, and they provide a clean uniform look in the cupboard. Then the color of the label, so it is easy to find each set - yellow napkins with yellow label, and so on. And do not forget to specify the number of napkins in the street. Thus, if you have ten guests, for example, you do not have to go through the boxes to remember how many napkins in each set.

And last but not least ...

* The use of recycled materials can add beauty and individual Touch
This, of course, necessarily, but I like the way Leslie uses recycled materials to add something special for your linen closet.

On the old wood for shelving
In New England, where my sister lives, baroque churches a rural area, and it is always possible to find old Benches may be for sale - in excellent maple, oak, mahogany or even - at a very modest price. Leslie found the 1920's, the chair of thick red maple tree to finish at $ 50, and used the wood for the cabinet shelves. Her carpenter cut shelves to size and nice seasoned wood - mahogany with a strip along the outer edge - gives a special warm touch the closet.

O remaining Wallpaper
The use of a roll of wallpaper - is the day when she papered her bathroom many years ago - Leslie tied together and bath linen closet next to it, using the remnants of wallpaper on the back of the cupboard. Wallpaper, along with the old wood shelves, add a spot of beauty in the otherwise merely functional space.

In a few simple steps - such replacing fixed with movable shelves, and placement of paintings in labeled boxes - you can transform the cluttered with clothes in the closet orderly storage space - and even a small place of beauty in your home!

Storage facilities for children 'Stuff

To get things organized for the convenience of

I do not know one child who is not a lot of baggage. If this is not one living in your home, you'll have to find a place to store all these treasures.

How do you prepare for a new number or redecorating for a growing child, finding a place as important as choosing the right color paint or bedding.

It's amazing how much can be accumulated to give the child clothing, toys, books, hobbies and other necessities of life.

If you have children, you need a place to put tiny clothing, blankets, diapers, changing subjects, as well as gifts, which they will use later.

As the child grows to be children, to get more clothes, they multiply the number of toys and books to get more.
And over the child becomes more and more. More clothes, more toys, more books, more things associated with a hobby or a school.

Search for storage or use just the right items to organize things a child's life, make the life of your child and your life as a parent of a peaceful and orderly.
Read about the place and ways to find more storage space for your child's loot.

* In an open
A lot of things that use a child can go on the shelves, bookshelves, hang on hooks, or relax in a container on a desk or tabletop. To keep things neat and orderly perspective, keep books neatly arranged, the game in the boxes, toys, or hang on pegs on the wall. You can also place the smaller settlements in the agreed basket or plastic boxes carefully look at the open shelves.
* Of the mind, but always at hand
For things that just can not be made to look very carefully, using a chest of drawers or shelves in the closet, organize the drawers in the armoire, a slide or things in shallow boxes under the bed. Stacks of clothes, hobbies, school bags can be hidden behind doors, but still comfortable and is ready at any moment. For the ultimate organization, use the boxes, files, or storage baskets to keep things organized.
* Amenities organization
Perhaps the most useful and convenient storage space in the children's room closet. This is when something goes on that the child (or parent) uses every day, including clothes, books, school supplies and toys. Place rarely used items near the rear panel of the cabinet, with the items used frequently in advance and available.
If the cabinets are small and uncomfortable, look at the pieces of furniture warehouse. The toy box can contain a toy, the cradle is a great home for the collection of dolls, or armoire offers hanging space for clothes, shelves for the organization, as well as drawers for small items.
* Out-of-sight storage
Find the areas away from the bedroom to store toys or changed clothes, which can be seasonal sports equipment, or treasured school, work or works of art.
Areas that come to mind in the home, who are working outside the legal view of storage in the attic, under the stairs in the garage or in a dry basement. Use weather-tight containers to protect elements of moths, mildew and dust.

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