The book can be a beautiful focal point on the premises are correct. This article describes the arrangements for the library as a professional.
Difficulty: Easy
Step 1
Bookshelf is a major - and, you guessed it - the book. I believe that at least 75% of the points in the bookstore for books. His book will feel like a library, if you have 100% of the books that may or may not be an aspect which later. Show only books in hardcover. For more charm, remove the paper from his book jackets (if they are collectors' items).
Step 2
Remember that the library is not only beautiful, it should work. Organizing books, by type, subject or author, not the color, but it may also help.
Step 3
If you have a library with several books, buy books in large quantities, in addition to their organization. Your local library often sell more copies of the book, you can buy books at your local bookstore or on the spread. Make sure that the paper jackets to see the color of the spine. Books that have been read many times that the charm of the room. In general, if you want to store the books of the dark, a light color. If the book that you want to darken the color.
Step 4
Add Bookends value, not less. You can also use a small stack of books instead of inflammation final Bookends.
Step 5
Leave a small room, perhaps 10%. Libraries can not be fully space for new books.