Hugo Andrew - After the hurricane, which devastated large areas and leaving thousands homeless. Hurricanes pose a threat to inland and coastal areas and small towns. The best protection against the hurricane to be prepared. Here are some things you can do to mitigate the effects of the hurricane may be to you, your family and your property.
Prepare in advance:
* Check your home insurance to ensure adequate protection and adequate coverage. Owners Insurance losses from flooding, a common phenomenon with hurricanes. The only way to protect your home from flooding is to buy flood insurance. If you live in a flood hazard area, you can purchase a flood policy.
* The survey of housing policy for valuables, up to certain limits. For maximum protection, you have jewelry, furs, silver and other elements of value, then scheduled separately to your policy. You will receive the widest possible coverage, no deductibles.
* Make an inventory of their personal property. The document the list of videos or photos. Save your data and other important documents in a safe.
Prepare family members:
* Teach your children what to do in an emergency.
* Do you have family members with first aid courses, if possible.
* Plan the evacuation route and destination.
* Ask for the town friend or relative will be your "family contact." After a disaster, no one at home should check with the contact.
* Did you know that your beloved pet to hide, so you can find in an emergency.
Take steps to minimize damage to your property:
* Install hurricane shutters or reduced to 3 / 4 inch plywood shutters on each window of your house.
* Trim branches that could break the window and enter your house.
* Check mobile home tie-low.
* Turn refrigerators and freezers for the cold and the door will not open if necessary.
* Bring outside objects such as toys or furniture in the house or garage. Secure large items such as boats or swing sets on the floor.
* Close the curtains, cardboard or tape windows.
Assemble disaster supplies:
* First aid supplies, including sterile gauze pads, scissors, bandages, tweezers, antiseptic spray, latex gloves, antibacterial soap bar.
* With or without medication, including non-prescription analgesics, antacids, eye wash fountain, alcohol and drugs for nausea, with poisoning.
* Battery operated radio with extra batteries.
* Flashlight and extra batteries.
* Cash or travelers checks.
* Dry clothes and sturdy shoes for each family member.
* Sleeping bag and tent.
* Toilet paper and other items of personal hygiene.
* Special items for children or pets.
Prepare emergency rations:
* Taking into bottled water and food nonperishable, meat, soups, juices and milk.
* Install household appliances in an emergency, including handmade knife, matches, sterno and lightweight pots.
* Store emergency food rations, or drinks, not breakable.
Prepare for Hurricane - part 1
Labels: Open Space, Planning, Tips