Many people ask, "What is organic gardening? Organic gardening is not only the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. The basis of organic gardening is soil replenishment of natural resources and use. Changing the composition of the soil have been exhausted, with plants and the use of composted cow and other animals, manure as fertilizer is a safe way to replenish the soil naturally, in other words, cooperation and in accordance with Mother Nature.
Organic substances in organic gardens, the collapse of the plant and / or animal waste, compost of dry leaves, grass clippings, with the addition of household food abrasions should be taken to enrich the soil are used as top dressing garden soil settled or added, and then to the ground for a new garden. Since the organic matter in soil increased, that of their natural texture, while the enrichment of air, water and nutrients they need.
If you are interested in organic gardening, but not with the use of synthetic pesticides in your garden free of pests, ensuring close and continuous observation of objects, and if you begin to notice the address of the garden pests that problem immediately.
There are many organic pesticides available on the market, but before you start treatment, make sure that the pest you are dealing this inconvenience and will become a problem. Bio-pesticides are very effective and less toxic to humans and pets. The best defense when it comes to what I know, this is your problem, before treatment.
Under the conditions for the cultivation of plants to grow strong and healthy, without too much stress that the plants are struggling to survive, and less emphasis on the production of a smaller number of garden plants from pests. Use organic mulch in your garden serves many purposes, such as water, to moderate soil temperatures, nourishes the land, and preferably all, of its attractive and helps prevent weeds. Do you have a web site for your garden, a good rule is to remember the plant a plant, full sun to sun, and plants that are less Sunday in the shade, and, of course, the shadow of the lovers of plants deserve the shadow area.
Plant a variety of plants to help beneficial insects to your garden. As more and more into organic gardening, you will quickly find that the seasonal changes caused by the plant and help you identify problems that you may encounter. Organic gardening is an excellent challenge and experience, experience that will undoubtedly benefit from the garden.