51. A good way to get people responsible lending, legal and accounting required for a successful real estate transactions in the area. You know that you're either on the extent to which they promote and provide reliable information. Those who have the most advertising, but rather a business. Building solid relationships with people, this is a job well done.
52. Banks are not just for money. A loan officer another source, however, was the prize.
53. Understanding Cap Rates. "To understand this definition of wholesale prices on our website under" Glossary. "
54. The different systems with different real estate asset classes, depending on variety, can devalue the value of assets.
55. If you have read, this is good for you! And if you do not understand, but of joy. Did you know that in the Guinness Book of Records holds the record for most stolen books from public libraries?
56. Condominium or condo is a form of real estate, if the device is free to use or owner. Some of the property and buildings owned by corporations and sectors of use and access to the local authorities have limited common property. The land on which the building known as the most common property.
57. Condominium to use what most people call Strata Title.
58. Looking for insurance and understand that they are not insured. Understand that the device and / or belonging to them, and make sure that all the elements in this area covered.
59. Keep all insured! The last thing you want is to lose heavily in a fire or earthquake. Surprisingly, this happens much more often than people think.
60. Banks and real estate trust also is a good place for investment in real estate.
61. Another place to search for a public auction. They tend to have a mortgage sale, the sale of real estate, etc. at a reasonable price!
62. You do not have to pay the price for the property if it can not compete with normal or high proportion of funding. You can use the supplier (s) to participate in the "seller take back the second mortgage. It is the actors, if the supplier (seller) a second mortgage on the property and may for some time, it was agreed at the time of sale.
63. "Buying" is another way of funding. This is when they (the seller) retains title to your name and the amount of power is in the same manner that an agreement with creditors and a certain period. After this period, the agreement of sale shall be in full with the supplier (seller), and at this point, the ownership of the buyer and the sales contract may be revised, if both parties agree. As a hint, a review process should begin even before the deadline, maturity, so as not to endanger, and a part of this process.
64. Land is the basis of assets than the last generation.
65. This country has always been the cost, regardless of what's happening in the world, unlike the metals, and money.
66. In some parts of the world, selling property in the lease for 99 years. Make sure you know what you buy. That is why it is important to learn to read, but on the ground.
67. When buying real estate investments, make sure the cost of implementation and the time required to maintain mortgage payments.
68. There are four common types of investment property for cash flow - this NOI (net operating income), compensation for the housing tax, capital and wealth.
69. What is the NOI (net operating income)? If the amount of positive cash flow of income and other income from property, net of current expenses.
70. What is a tax to compensate for housing? Tax breaks that can occur in one of three ways - depreciation, tax credits and transfer losses. This could be income tax liability on the charges against income from other sources. Thus, when searching for investment, some of you can accept the loss of attractiveness!
71. Capital is to increase the share investors, as part of the debt on the principal over time.
72. Capital is to increase the market value of assets over time, as cash flow, if the property is sold. Capital can be very unpredictable, if it is part of a strategy for the development and improvement.
73. Training in management and risk assessment in real estate.
74. Always check ownership ... search in the title!
75. Find out what title insurance and make sure that if you think that this is necessary.
101 things everyone should know about Real Estate Investment (3)
Labels: Property Investment