Measures to prevent diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks

Exit from enjoying a barbecue, summer address, or just things in motion is one of the greatest joys of this season. Unfortunately, some of the greatest disasters, and hope that their presence on the go, you can hear that the spread of dangerous diseases. Only last year, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for more than 4200 documented cases of human West Nile virus at the second-largest amount of compensation in cases in the U.S. until now. And Environmental Protection Agency, California, reported that Lyme disease is the most important tick-borne disease in the United States. Take some simple precautions, however, and enjoy their time in the yard and garden, without persecution. Mosquitoes race only two things: water and time (within a few days). We believe that the breeding of mosquitoes in large wetlands such as bogs. But if not carefully controlled much less water, and can collect large infestaions in your yard. Here are some ways to the presence of: • Cleaning gutters: gutters clog with debris in the water at a standstill excellent "landing zone" for mosquito eggs. Troughs should be at least four times a year, or install the blade, dry channels.
• Collect CONTAINER survey your yard for all that water, in search of empty pots, buckets, cans, old tires and wheelbarrows. Drilling holes in the bottom of the bucket for waste and recycling, so that they are. Check things like children's pool and sand quarries, and make sure that none of the issues covered by plastic sheets are the beneficiaries of the water. In addition, the question of the correctness of the drainage of air-conditioner drip PANS, bird baths and flush with clean water at least once a week.
• Avoid swimming pools: Pools of water that lasts for several days, even the breeding of mosquitoes in areas with a low in your garden, where water tends to collect. The use of clean fill soil in these areas, then cover the layer of topsoil and grass seed, sod or mulch.
• Stay away: Perhaps the easiest way to mosquitoes is to stay inside at dusk and dawn. These moments in which women have a biological drive to "master" (ie you!) In the blood, in order to fertilize their eggs. Staying in the opening time of sunrise and sunset, the mosquitoes' menu. TicksOver of the last century, deer populations have been concentrated at the national level, 500,000 to more than 28 million people. And, like a deer in densely populated areas, the risk of deer ticks as a result of Lyme disease , and together with them. At the head of the street, whether at home or in the recreational area is known about the preparation and warning of the danger mark: SMART • CLOTHING: Wear long pants, shirts and socks, pants and the cuffs on the boots and socks. In addition, Make sure you use a color that is easier mites.
• Course: Stay in the middle of trails to avoid grass and swamp forest areas. Ticks can not jump - Enjoy a brush and tall grass waiting for you and RUB to move towards them.
• Daily check: Check yourself and your children for clinging ticks after street. Deer ticks is difficult to see, on the outskirts of nymphs and adults are smaller than sesame. If you find a tick, and feeding, do not worry - studies have shown that infected ticks usually do not have Lajma the body during the first 24 hours. Removing ticks immediately using fine tip tweezers, and carefully monitor their health after the bite, be alert for any signs and symptoms of tick-borne disease.
• repellents USE: If the area of infected ticks, use insect repellent is a good preventive measure, but believes that the product has been designed for clothing is not his skin. Deer ticks are most active April-October, so be careful when in tick country. If you suspect Lyme disease and its symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

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